Lean to Room(s) on 1sth Baptist Church
Scope of work
16 x 40 Add on
To include a partial storage room with lights and entrance from main room
To also include mini garage for tractor storage with light and outlets. Both rooms to have wall switch.
Other than concrete work this bid is all inclusive. This is a no permit addition as per customer.
Materials to include the following:
14 9' Metal 40 year
14 16' 10" Metal 40 year 29 Gauge Smartrib
4 10' Metal 40 year Warranty
4 11' Metal 40 year Warranty
6 12' Metal 40 year Warranty
6 13' Metal 40 year Warranty
4 10' 6" Rake outside corner
2 Rake outside corner 12' 6"
7 Rat guard 10' 2"
4 Residential Eave Trim 10' 2" 3/12 Pitch
1 12' J trim
2 10' 2" J trim
3 1.5" x 7.5' Post trim
4 Lower Gambrel trim 10' 2 ' 3/12 off the 90
6 1 1/2" Stock Alamo white screws 250 county
6 6" x 6" 14' cca
6" x 6" 16' cca
31 2x10x18 #2 yellow pine
10 2x10x16 #2 yellow pine
6 2x6x16 treated .15 pfc
57 24162 2x4x16 yellow pine
3 2x6x12 #2 yellow pine
3 2x6x8 #2 yellow pine
54 2x6x10 Joist Hanger
1 10x7 o/h door
200' 12/3 interior wire with 2 switches and 4 outlets
Once concrete work is completed my end of the build will take 3 weeks.
Total estimate is $9927
This job requires 60/40 payout with this estimate/invoice being 60% or $6356.20
The final balance to be the remainder of $3570.80 and not a penny more. Thanks for the work, Terry